Category: Mainland Company Registration in UAE

How to Apply for Residence Visa in UAE – Types of UAE Residence Visa Explained

There is no better time to settle down in UAE for the expat population with their family. UAE is offering long-term residence visas, green visas, freelance visas, etc.
The investor visa is one of the most preferred visa options in the UAE among entrepreneurs. The investor visa validity is mostly for 3-years in the free zone and 2 years in the mainland.
The 100% foreign ownership, no income tax and corporate tax, full profit repatriation, favourable business environment, etc., makes Dubai a perfect choice for business investment and establishing a company.

Golden Visa through Property Purchase in Dubai

The Real Estate market in UAE is a strategic sector contributing significantly to the economy and the business outlook of UAE.
With numerous new projects lined up and handing over of completed apartments to the owners, the real estate segment is actively progressing in the region. It is a dynamic industry sector with vibrant choices for the investors to own their dream home in UAE.

Investor Visa Types in UAE – How Company Formation helps in Settling in UAE with Family?

UAE is a major trade and economic hub of the Middle East. It has grown to an investor’s favorite location for establishing business and settling down with the family.
The ease of doing business in UAE, the robust business ecosystem, improved lifestyle, secured corporate banking network, lowest crime rates, etc., make UAE the perfect destination for establishing a company.

How to start a Foodstuff Trading Business in Dubai? – Things to Know

Food Stuff Trading is a key business sector in UAE and an active contributor to the UAE economy. Even during the pandemic, the Food Stuff Trading business seemed to be active due to the steady demand from a large population including customers and commercial centers.
UAE is a global trade hub and economic center in the Middle East facilitating large quantity imports and exports to various countries.

What are the Factors Driving Demand for Warehouse Licenses in UAE?

The eCommerce sector in UAE is a growth driver for the Warehousing industry in UAE. Demand for a warehouse in the UAE is on an all-time rise with the rising traction for online shopping. Driven by the growth in the eCommerce business sector, warehousing is a lucrative business opportunity that large and small distributors, logistic service providers, traders can take advantage of.